Fast Fashion has attracted the wrath of sustainability enthusiasts in the recent few years. There are many movies and documentaries made on this topic highlighting fashion’s negative social and environmental impact.

We have curated a small list of short and powerful videos (out of the many amazing documentaries there are) on Fast Fashion. These videos will definitely provide you food for thought and change your perspective about clothing.


Ugly Truth of Fast Fashion - Hasan Minhaj (The Patriot Act)

In this episode of Patriot Act, Minhaj spoke about the Ugly truth of Fast Fashion. In his usual witty style, he outlines topics like our changing fashion habits, how fast fashion started, what are the harmful effects of fashion on the planet and what can consumers do to consume better.

One stat that he mentioned blew my mind! – An average American bought 12 new articles of clothing in 1980. This has gone upto 68 new pieces a year!

This episode is an eye-opener and fun to watch at the same time.

Watch here.

The Lifecycle of a T-shirt

Ever thought about what goes behind the making of that single white cotton T-shirt? It’s not as harmless as it looks. That T-shirt has used up a lot of water, pesticides, fertilizers and chemicals before it comes to you in pretty packaging. Be it a cricket match or a get-together, wearing uniform t-shirts has become a trend now. But is this trend worth following? This short video has the answers.

Watch here.


H&M and Zara: Can fast fashion be eco-friendly?

Sustainability is the new buzzword in the fashion industry and all brands, big or small, are trying to portray themselves as sustainable in some or the other way. Both these brands are making the right “noise” in terms of sustainability but what is the truth? Are they really using a lot of sustainable fabrics? Or are their recycling programs really successful?

Unsurprisingly, both of these giants don’t talk about the real problem of modern fashion i.e. overproduction and overconsumption of clothes.

Are the claims of H&M and Zara real or are they just Greenwashing? Watch this video and find out for yourself.

Watch here.


How fast fashion adds to the world's clothing waste problem

Ever wondered what happens once you discard your clothes? All the big fashion brands in the west have a clothes collection bin where they collect used clothing. They even reward people who donate their clothes in their bins with a discount code. Most people feel that their donated clothes end up with the needy but, the reality is far from it. Most of the clothing produced get’s exported to poor countries. There are far more clothes than people in need. And recycling is still in its infancy.

Watch here.


If you see any of these videos, you may realise one thing - That the problem fashion and the solutions provided by Fashion companies are completely different. The problem with Fast Fashion is over production whereas the solution offered is sustainable fabrics, recycling etc. Till the time the Fast Fashion industry doesn’t fix the broken economic model, it will be very difficult for the Fashion industry to be sustainable in the true sense.

Hope you found this useful. Do let me know in the comments about what you think about this topic.


Also Read:

What are Fast Fashion hauls and why are they dangerous for you and the planet?

4 places where our clothes end up when they are discarded

December 16, 2022 — Earthy Route


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